Rosh Hashanah Tashlich

12:30 p.m.   Tashlich: "Casting off the chains of the past" Led by Rabbi Doug Heifetz Tashlich is the traditional ritual of ‘casting off’ old behaviors and patterns that no longer serve us, so that we can start the New Year more free and less encumbered by the past. This year we will hold our […]

Kol Nidre Service

6:30 p.m.   Observance of Yom Kippur Begins. Individual lighting of memorial candles. Meditative music and private reflection prior to the start of the Kol Nidre prayer. 7:00 p.m.   Kol Nidre Service led by Rabbi Doug Heifetz (Please be in the sanctuary by 6:55 p.m.; no one will be admitted during the recitation of […]

Yom Kippur Morning Services

Yom Kippur Morning Services led by Rabbi Doug Heifetz 10:00 a.m.   Morning Service 12:00 p.m.   Yizkor (Memorial) Service 12:30 p.m.   Musaf (Additional) Service   Note: This service is available BY RESERVATION ONLY. Send a High Holy Days Reservation Form to by Friday, August 27 if you would like to join us for this […]

Yom Kippur Afternoon & Closing Services

Afternoon & Closing Services led by Rabbi Doug Heifetz 5:30 p.m.   Mincha (Afternoon) Service 6:30 p.m.   Ne'ilah (Closing) Service (includes personal prayer time at the Ark) 7:50 p.m.   Final sounding of the shofar Break-the-Fast Meal following conclusion of services (separate reservation required)   Note: This service is available BY RESERVATION ONLY. Send a […]

Kabbalat Shabbat Service

7:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service   In celebration of World Space Week (October 4 - 10), during this congregant-led service we will explore prayers and readings referring to the majesty of God's creation of the heavens. This week’s parsha, “Noach" (Noah), reminds us that we may not turn our back on the earth, while we […]

Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz

10:00 am  Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz   Did Hagar Really Come Back? For Parshat Vayera, we'll read about the expulsion of Hagar, Abraham's first wife. The story tells of her cruel treatment at Abraham and Sarah's hands. However, in spite of her misfortune, many commentators imagine that this episode didn't end her […]

Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz

10:00 am  Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz   When Slow and Steady Wins the Race The Torah readings at this time of year bring us the narratives of Isaac, the middle one in a line of three classic Jewish patriarchs from the biblical Book of Genesis. In many ways, Isaac is the least […]

Kabbalat Shabbat Service

7:30 pm Thanksgiving Kabbalat Shabbat Service   Come to this Congregant-led service and hear member Norman Hogeland play his original compositions with a Thanksgiving theme. Share your reflections on gratitude. Feel free to bring a dessert or healthy nosh to share at the community Oneg Shabbat.   A reservation is required to attend all services. […]

Hanukkah Happening

6:30 pm Hanukkah Happening   Join the Beit Tikvah community for a Hanukkah Happening! Bring a vegetarian dish to share and a hanukkiah (holiday menorah) with your candles. We will start with a community candle lighting on this sixth night of Hanukkah. If you are bringing a dish to be served hot, we'll warm it […]

Virtual Tu Bishvat Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz

7:30 pm Tu Bishvat Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz NOTE: This service will be on Zoom. Celebrating Trees in Mid-Winter - Hidden Potential for the Earth and Our Souls Tu Bishvat, the Jewish Earth Day (this year on January 17), is a time to appreciate the gifts of nature and recommit to caring for all of […]

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