10:00 am  Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz A reservation is required to attend all services.Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Doug Heifetz
October 23, 2021 - 10:00am - October 23, 2021 - 1:00pm
Did Hagar Really Come Back?
For Parshat Vayera, we’ll read about the expulsion of Hagar, Abraham’s first wife. The story tells of her cruel treatment at Abraham and Sarah’s hands. However, in spite of her misfortune, many commentators imagine that this episode didn’t end her relationship with Abraham. Rather, they theorize that Hagar later returned and remarried Abraham. Why do they imagine this? What would it take to allow reconciliation under such circumstances? How does this inspire us to reflect on our own relationships, their limitations and the possibilities of healing?
If you’d like to join us for this service, please send an email to info@beittikvah.org by midnight on Thursday, October 21st. Details