10:00 am Rabbi-Led Shabbat Service Join us for this Shabbat morning service led by Rabbi Doug Heifetz. The Four Children – the Myers-Briggs Test of Passover The holiday of Passover starts on Wednesday evening, April 5th. To get ready for the holiday, we’ll discuss the origin and meanings of the ‘Four Children’ described in the Haggadah, the handbook for the festive meal. Although some of the descriptions of the Four Children seem pejorative, each one has its positives, too. What are the advantages of being the ‘dumb one’, or the ‘wicked one’? How about the one who doesn’t even know what to ask? Which one will you be this year? Please bring a vegetarian nosh. Please RSVP what you are bringing to info@beittikvah.org.
Rabbi-Led Shabbat Service
March 25, 2023 - 10:00am - March 25, 2023 - 1:00pm