7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Doughnuts, Drinks, & Dreidels: Community Adult Hanukkah Party Celebrate the Festival of Lights at Congregation Beit Tikvah with an adult Hanukkah party. In the Israeli tradition of eating sufganiyah, or fried jelly doughnuts for the holiday, we’ll have a doughnut decorating competition, with winners in a variety of categories. And then, the eating will commence. Sharing is encouraged. Just bring your creativity and your sweet tooth. Indulge (wisely) in a Hanukkah-inspired adult beverage, but not too much, because you don’t want to spin more than a top when playing dreidel. Finally, bring your menorah or hanukkiah and candles for a synchronous candle lighting. If you don’t have one, no worries, just enjoy the beautiful glow. Feel free to bring your friends and neighbors. And, if you have one, bring your lucky dreidel. We’ll bring the chocolate gelt. RSVP by Sunday, December 22 to info@beittikvah.org
Adult Hanukkah Party: Doughnuts, Drinks, & Dreidels
December 27, 2019 - 7:30pm - December 27, 2019 - 9:00pm