Once the Gere Rebbe decided to question one of his disciples: “How is Moshe Yaakov doing?” The disciple didn’t know. "What!" shouted the Rebbe, "You don’t know? You pray under the same roof? You study the same book? You serve the same God? Yet you dare tell me that you don’t know how Moshe Yaakov is, whether he needs help or advice or comforting? How can that be?" Here lies the very essence of our way of life: every person must share in every other person’s life, we must not be alone in sorrow or in joy.
Every member who completes this form does so with a willingness to be called on should a need arise. If you can, please offer to help in more than one way. Feel free to offer your potential availability throughout the years in many categories. Middle and high school-age members may want to consider volunteerism as a way of earning required community service hours.
To get help, you may call the office at 410-464-9402 and leave a message or email info@beittikvah.org.